Re-Connecting Humans to Nature
Meet Carol
People are always asking how I got started in essential oils and herbs. This is my story!
It all started when one of our sons was going through a time of acne. He started searching out products that might help. He asked me if I knew anything about tea tree essential oil. I did not at the time, but one of my friends happened to be working with a company that sold essential oils. The next day I purchased four essential oils. Little did I know this would become my passion for years to come.
September of 2008 was the beginning. Now I have about 110 essential oils, about 300 herbs, and even more additional products on my shelves for individuals and all my customers!
In the early years, I would travel to the company’s home office for training. The mentor (expert) in essential oils would teach monthly classes that were one, two, or three days each. For three years I attended every class absorbing every bit of information she shared with us.
After those three years, my mentor chose a small number of us to continue mentoring. So for another two years, I traveled to northern Idaho from Arizona every three months. The mentor had us read a book and write a short report on it during this time. She started teaching us about essential oils and eventually branched out to herbs. I knew I’d NEVER be an herbalist, but I of course went along. Never say never!! Now I have about 300 herbs in my office!
Through the years I’ve continued my education for this passion. One spring I went to Washington state for a week-long intensive. I’ve watched many videos, read many books, and listened to others. Additionally, I have been teaching classes of my own since 2009, and I research many, many hours for each class.
In addition to my products, you may know that I offer Quantum muscle testing. In 2018 I listened to a video on the topic, and I was hooked immediately! I invested in a two-year course. At the end of the course, we needed 500 practice hours of muscle testing. I was the first one (our teacher had taught this class for three years) to finish these hours. And I finished before the second year of the course even ended!! That's just how excited I was about this!
At the end of the day, I just enjoy helping people be healthy! I like to say that I suggest supplements and help people, but I do not heal people. Your body heals itself using nutrition, herbs and supplements with proper guidance. And I can also use Quantum muscle testing to aid in that process! I actually ask the body to remove unhealthy and detrimental things. And the body does it!! WOW!
If you have any questions for me, please let me know! I’m always happy to talk with you about your journey.